Wednesday 16 May 2012

How to prepare for the interview

-Prepare an introduction of youself: about your life, your school career, your works experience.
-Puntuality: the night before check how long is the travel and how is the area. It's avoid to arrive later.
-Show them that you are aviable for the position, completly free and flexible (timetable: have no problems working in the later shifts and during the weekends).
-Show them your interest for the company, your concern to learn and grow up in the company.
-Be confident and not arrogant.
-Wear something classic, not to much colourful. Avoid provocative clothes.
-Body behavior: don't cross your legs or your arms. Try to use your body language, smile but not to much.
...and remember: you are selling youself!

Monday 14 May 2012

The power of colours

We all live in a world where the colour has a notable part. Color is in everyday life and it can effect our moods.
Where does colour come from?
Colour came from light. When light from the sun passes through a prism, the light is split into seven colours by a process called "refraction"
These seven colours are: violet, indigo, blu, green, yellow, orange and red.
Colour theraphy is a medicine method where the therapist can use colours for balance energy wherever a person's body be lacking, either on physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental levels.


Orange relates to a sacral chakra situated in the lower abdomen. The parts of body which it relates are: uterus, large bowel, prostate, ovaries and testes. Some of the associated problems relating to the sacral chakra are: pre-menstrual syndrome, problem with menstrual flow, ovarian cysts, irritable bowel syndrome, testicular disease, prostatic disease.
On the psycho-spiritual level, this chakra relates to self respect.
Orange is also the colour of creativity, it stimulates and energizes us, and is warming. Orange is the colour of fun and sociability and can be used in any activity area and creative areas.

Positive aspects of this colour: joyous, self-confident, enthusiastic, independent, sociable, constructive, creative.
Negative aspects of this colour: despondency, pride, exhibitionism, dependency, destructive attitudes, unsociable, difficulty interacting with others.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Strange silly dream...

It was a normal grey day in London, I was walking on the street, the same road that I walk every day. I was getting over the corner and I was dropping off the main street, when, suddenly, I came across a particular object. The strange thing was on the ground and it was a grey and black box with iron pipes and a series of bolts and buttons. I tried to pick up it but it was really heavy , weird because the object was tiny. I used my entire strenght and I was able to lift it just a bit but a button with a strange shape- it was looking like a skull-came off from the main body. I immediately tried to sort out the problem and fixed the thing removed, but I didn't know how...! The object was too complicated for me, I was about to give up, when the object made a sound, it was a metallic voice and it said: <please set me out! Select the language.>
I selected "english" and the voice replied: <You found me, now you have to look after me!>
At that moment I heard a deafening sound, it was the alarm of my phone and I was at home, on my bed... It was just a bad dream!

Monday 7 May 2012

My trip to the island of pirates…Roatan…

On 12th of April I left, with my father, my brother and his girlfriend, for Roatan, an island of Caribbean, located off the North coast of Honduras. 

Roatan on 17th century became a perfect island for pirates and according to local legends Henry Morgan, one of the most popular pirates in the word, had hidden a treasure there.
I was immediately fascinated by colour of the sky which merged with crystal-clear water.
Water has different shades of blue thanks to stunning reef which is the biggest in the word after austalian reef, indeed the island is very popular for diving and snorkeling.

The best experience I’ve ever had was swimming with dolphins. In that moment I could feel the dolphins touching me!

After 10 days into the wild nature, unfortunately I had to get back to civilization and the impact was shocking!