Sunday 17 June 2012

Damien Hirst

Is this art?
One of the problem of contemporary art is that people don't understand it.
It's easy catch the meaning of a realistic painting but what about when you are in front of a work like this...

This afternoon I went to see Damien Hirst's retrospective and I was shocked of how many people there were: teenagers, couples, old people even family with children.
In the exhibition there are very strong images: dead flies, a rotting cow's's not a show for everyone!
However most of his works are centered on the theme of death and impressing the audience in mind and stomach than the heart. I saw a old woman with a pale face in front of a work with a cow cut in half.

His best-know work is entlited "The Physical Impossibility Of Death In the Mind Of Someone Living" and it's a real big shark embalmed.
It's exciting when you find yourself in front of its mouth wide open.


The show includes a room full of live butterflies happily feeding on fruit and drinking from plants. They are living their short lives as comfortably as possible.

The basic concept of Hirst's works is that man doesn't have the opportunity to try firsthand the experience of death, because death itself is the absence of any physical experience.
It could be the modern version of still life of 16 th century.

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